
Rid yourself of noticeable scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and sagging skin with the Halo Laser treatment.

Halo Pricing

  • Time: 30 minutes

  • Pain Level: Mild to none (numbing cream can be applied)

  • Results: immediate

​​​​​​​Halo Laser

Halo Laser is a proprietary laser-based treatment that will provide a noticeable improvement to various concerns such as scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and sagging skin. This laser targets deep tissue and provides instant results with minimal time and discomfort. By targeting collagen cells, this treatment promotes new tissue to grow, thus achieving a more youthful appearance. This laser produces long-lasting and natural results in a quick 15-minute treatment session that is safe and effective for all areas of the body with no downtime.

As you age, your skin can lose its luster due to sun exposure and as part of your body’s natural aging process. In turn, your skin develops fine lines, sun spots, and your skin can dull. The Halo Laser can precisely target and eliminate the damage and restore your skin.

This treatment is right for you if you are looking for a solution to:

  • Signs of Aging: Halo treatments can help treat signs of aging by decreasing wrinkles and sunspots.

  • Fine lines and wrinkles: as we age, fine lines and wrinkles begin to form around our eyes and other facial areas. Halo treatments can help smooth the wrinkles resulting in a more youthful appearance.

  • Visible Pores: Large pores can be difficult to hide from. Halo treatments can reduce the size of your pores and restore your skin.

  • Discoloration: Discoloration can happen over time in various areas of your face, neck, and body. Halo can help you restore your skin to achieve an even look.

  • Blemishes: Unwanted acne scars or redness? Halo treatments can stimulate the natural restoration process of your skin to reveal a smooth, clear complexion.

  • Small scars: Halo treatments can decrease the visibility of small scars on your face, neck, and body so they may not be visible or need to be covered up any longer.

  • Spider veins: Spider veins on your legs can be easily minimized using Halo treatments.

admin none 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Closed