

Do you feel that the skin on your face looks tired, causing you to look older than you really are? Perhaps you feel self-conscious or embarrassed about the texture and tone of your skin, particularly if you have pigmentation, scarring or sun damage. We believe that everyone deserves to feel confident in their skin and that’s why we offer a range of treatments to make this possible. One of our most widely requested services is known as microdermabrasion.​​​​​​​

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is one of the most popular conventional skin rejuvenation treatments available. It works slightly differently to conventional dermabrasion in that it uses tiny crystals or other exfoliating substances to remove the topmost, superficial layer of dead skin cells. This layer, known as the stratum corneum, is that which accumulates dirt, debris, and pollution during the day. Microdermabrasion roughs up this layer so that it can be removed, with some microdermabrasion tools also vacuuming the dead skin away. Alternatively, your face can be cleaned so that it is taken away.

Microdermabrasion is actually a treatment that prompts the renewal of the skin by creating an injury. This is because the body interprets the microdermabrasion process as suffering from damage that is equivalent to a graze. As a result, it is prompted to produce healthy, new skin cells to replace the lost ones. These new skin cells help your face to take on a rejuvenated, refreshed, smoother and younger appearance.

Exactly what to expect from your microdermabrasion treatment will vary depending on the specific advice used. In most instances, the procedure will take around an hour. Microdermabrasion is non-invasive and there is no need for anesthetic. Patients may find that their face feels a little uncomfortable for the first 24-28 hours after this procedure, but there should be no need for pain medication.


​​​​​​​What Issues Can Microdermabrasion Help to Treat?

Microdermabrasion has been proven effective in treating a range of different issues relating to the skin, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Dry and lackluster skin

  • Clogged pores

  • Acne scarring and mild acne

  • Uneven pigmentation

  • Scarring

However, microdermabrasion is not recommended for patients with certain skin conditions including psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, herpes, lupus, widespread acne and active sunburn. Undergoing microdermabrasion with these conditions can cause irritation, soreness, and aggravation of your condition.

How Quickly Can I See the Results Of My Treatment?

The effects of microdermabrasion are usually visible immediately following your procedure. However, you will continue to see an improvement in the texture and tone of your skin over the following days and weeks as the new skin regenerates. Many patients undergo a number of treatments to achieve the best result or follow their initial treatment with a series of maintenance appointments. Our team will be able to advise you about the best way to achieve and maintain your results.

If you are unhappy with the skin on your face and are looking for a non-invasive solution to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance, microdermabrasion could be the answer you are looking for. Contact our clinic in Weston, FL today to schedule your confidential consultation.

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