Mole and Skin Tag Removal

Mole Removal

Moles can be a cause of concern for many people, but very few turn out to be dangerous. Nevertheless, moles that are on the face can create unwanted attention and make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. Mole removal is a very common procedure and can be carried out under local anesthetic. You may be left with a small scar, although this usually fades with time and the right aftercare. If your surgeon has any concerns about the mole that has been removed, it will be sent off for biopsy to check that there are no abnormalities with it.

Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are also extremely common. These harmless, skin-colored growths can vary in size and occur on any part of the body. Many people confuse them with warts, but they are smoother and softer. Despite their appearance, they aren’t contagious. However, they can be annoying, particularly if they are very obvious or occur somewhere where they can rub or be irritated, such as on the eyelids. Skin tag removal is very straightforward, and your cosmetic specialist will advise you on the best course of action to do this. Some will freeze skin tags off using a special spray, whilst others might burn the skin tag away. Don’t worry, both of these procedures will be carried out using anesthetic. However, in some cases, surgical removal is recommended to ensure that the skin tag is removed in its entirety. You should never remove a skin tag yourself, because they often bleed heavily, and amateur removal can lead to scarring.

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