Eyelid surgery

Better known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is becoming increasingly popular as a way of helping patients to turn back the clock on the aging process. As we know, sagging skin can affect all parts of the body, including the face. One of the areas of the face that is most often affected is the skin around the eyes. The skin is this area is naturally very thin which makes it much more likely to be affected by aging. The result of this is that bags can form below the eyes and the skin on the eyelids can sag and appear heavy. In some cases, sagging is so severe that the patient’s vision is compromised.

The goal of eyelid surgery is to remove excess skin and fat from around the eyes so that they look rejuvenated and more youthful. Most surgeries can be performed under a local anesthetic with sedation, although a general anesthetic may be used. You may have surgery on either the upper or lower eyelids, or both. Wherever possible, incisions will be made into the natural creases of the eye to minimize any scarring. With the lower eyelids, it may be necessary for the underlying muscles and tendons to be tightened in order to create the greatest transformation. Exactly what will happen will be explained to you by your surgeon and will be based on your individual requirements.

Unsurprisingly, most patients will need to take around a week off of work in order to recover. You will be given specific instructions to follow regarding the care of your eyes post-procedure.

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