
Cellulite is the bane of many people’s lives. Characterized by skin that has a dimpled, lumpy appearance that is similar to that of an orange peel, cellulite occurs when fatty deposits in the body push through the connective tissue under the skin. It can affect any part of the body, but is most commonly seen on the buttocks and thighs. In some instances, cellulite is so severe that it can cause people to feel embarrassed about their appearance and they may not feel comfortable wearing the clothes that they would like to. Fortunately, there are cosmetic procedures designed to minimize the appearance of cellulite and enable patients to enjoy smoother, tighter-looking skin.

BBL SkinTyte for Cellulite

BBL SkinTyte has been hailed as a very effective solution for treating cellulite. This innovative treatment uses infrared thermal technology to heat up the collagen in the skin, initiating the body’s natural healing process. As a result, the body begins to create new collagen which leads to the skin becoming firmer and stronger. This prevents the fatty deposits from showing through and reduces the appearance of cellulite.


Also known as BodyFX, this is an innovative new solution that can reduce and improve the appearance of unsightly cellulite. InMode uses radio frequency waves that pass into the layers of the skin, destroying fat cells and causing the skin to contract and connective tissue to tighten. This makes it harder for remaining fatty deposits to push through the connective tissue and appear as cellulite. Like BBL SkinTyte, InMode is non-invasive and painless.

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